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Ongoing project to provide a voice to those without.
Recycling junk found in the gutter to benefit project ideas.
Now I can play them anywhere I want! And you can too 🙂
A little 8% keyboard. And having some fun playing with it.
A little hack job to put a psone into some official merch.
It came with non-replacable button cells. Now it doesn’t.
This dead bluetooth speaker needs resurrecting.
Man, I couldn’t picture this..
Is it really this easy?
Brand new in the box, for £1? Are these “Joy-Cons” any good?
They turned the PS2 into a Wii?
Radica: + Tetris = ?
I found it. I finished my quest. It’s over.
Are you on the ball? Get on the ball.
Would you dare to put on the gloves?
Visiting Cardiff’s annual Gaming Market, and other stores, for games.
Who knows?
Stay in the loop with everything you need to know.