The Things I’ve Made

Portable Talk Box v1.0

Ongoing project to provide a voice to those without.

Bass Bong v1.0


Ghetto Battery Pack

Recycling junk found in the gutter to benefit project ideas.

Portable Donkey Kong Bongos

Now I can play them anywhere I want! And you can too 🙂

Mini Hotswap Keyboard Module

A little 8% keyboard. And having some fun playing with it.

The PlayStation PlayStation

A little hack job to put a psone into some official merch.

USB Soap Dispenser

It came with non-replacable button cells. Now it doesn’t.

Sexy Speaker Repair

This dead bluetooth speaker needs resurrecting.

Weird Gaming Tech

Super Nintendo x Sega Genesis

Man, I couldn’t picture this..

Bejeweled 3’s ZEN Mode

Is it really this easy?

£1 Joy-Cons

cheap £1 joy-cons

Brand new in the box, for £1? Are these “Joy-Cons” any good?

PS2 Motion Controls

They turned the PS2 into a Wii?

Radica: Tetris Tat

Radica: + Tetris = ?

My White Whale

I found it. I finished my quest. It’s over.


Are you on the ball? Get on the ball.

PS2 Physical Motion Controls

Would you dare to put on the gloves?

Or check out the playlist 🙂

Other Odd Bits

Hunting for Games in Cardiff
A Vlogumentary (2024)

Visiting Cardiff’s annual Gaming Market, and other stores, for games.

Anycubic 3d Printer Ears

World’s Slimmest Gamecube

Simpsons Hot Wheels Secret 🤫

World’s Slimmest GBA SP

Portable Talk Box Demo Short

1978s The Mercury Maze™

Who is bl3i?

Who knows?

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