The 4 Year Long Journey Hunting For A PS2 Memory Card
Back in 2020, a small purchase of a purple Fujiwork memory card sent me down a rabbit hole that took me 4 years to get through. Well, that quest is over. Watch the video:

During the time of the PS2, Fujiwork, an electronics company based in Japan, developed some memory cards, the Memory King 2 line of products. You can find these easily available online.

However, they also released some 1st anniversary memory cards, which were a little more unique than their predecessors. They allowed for a front clear plastic piece to be removed, so that someone could place a photograph or design of their choice there, and reattach the clear plastic to hold it. This is very unlike other memory cards, which merely offer a place to attach a stickered label, or offer a place for a marker pen.

They also released some artwork to accompany the release, such as a cute dog, a 3d girl, some photography, and unique art. If you would like to read more about these releases from the time, you can check out the Internet Archive backup of the website here.
Sufficed to say, the anniversary releases seem to have become hard to find. Perhaps in part due to them being thought of as unofficial, despite them being officially licensed, maybe they were unvalued.
In a follow-up to the story told in the video, my friend who visited Japan visited several retailers, including some Hard-Off stores, and did see some Fujiwork memory cards there, but only of the “toothed”/original design.
If you haven’t watched the video, and are just reading this, then please watch it, but, if you would like to see what the complete set looks like, please enjoy this wallpaper I have created that features my completed set here:

Also, if you would like to see the photos I took and used in the showcase in the video, and the image above, here is a gallery. Please note that the official colour names for the regular release memory cards may be different from those I have given them; they are the most colloquially given in English, and I have not translated their original packaging/marketing material.

I will hopefully getting these framed at one point. This quest was really unexpected when I purchased the first card. Is it the world’s rarest Playstation 2 memory card? I am unsure. I do not have figures to know how many were produced. But with many of the rare ones that are known, at least there’s something to find about them. These were possibly overlooked at the time, and as a result, perhaps fell into obscurity. But I think they’re well designed, and definitely unique. I hope this page on my website helps anyone looking to research or find more about these cards, if ever they were too to go on this journey.
Ps watch the video and hit the like and subscribe button.

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